Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Good Speakers Can Give Some Valuable Tips On Motivational Customer Service

Motivation is defined as a psychological force that compels an individual to take certain actions. For example, thirst is a force that can coerce a person to look for water. Likewise, any organization wanting to achieve a definite competitive edge must understand what motivates their employees.

Clear identification and implementation of motivational tools is likely to boost the morale of the employees and, subsequently, their productivity. Organizations can hire the services of well-known motivational speakers to attain some valuable tips on motivational customer service.

In the following paragraphs we will look at some familiar but highly effective techniques of keeping employees happy, motivated, and satisfied.

Some approaches that can be used for a highly motivational customer service are:

Motivation through recognition

All human beings value recognition and employees of an organization are no exception to this rule. Top management of many top level organizations will vouch for this fact. A simple pat on the back or a top level executive calling junior employees by their first name can do wonders to an employee’s morals.

Ability of the organization to differentiate between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a motivation derived from the task itself and the inherent joy experienced in doing it. Intrinsically motivated workers do not require external pressure or rewards. They enjoy what they do and are always on the lookout for new ways and means of improving their skills.
Extrinsic motivation is motivation which is dependent on outside factors like reward or threat of punishment. Extrinsically motivated employees work best with a stick and carrot approach.

Motivated employees are productive employees and productive employees mean profitable organizations. Organizations can hire the services of acclaimed motivational speakers from Atlanta speakers bureau to boost their employees’ morale. Their valuable inputs on motivational customer service can inspire employees to channelize their collective efforts for attaining the goals and objectives of the organization.


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